Annie Smith


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Attivo dal: Mar, 24 Lug 2018
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Annie Smith ha aggiunto 5 nuovi link sul suo board 24/07/2018 · en
294 visualizzazioni
Annie Smith ha aggiunto 5 nuovi link sul suo board 24/07/2018 · en
354 visualizzazioni
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Annie Smith ha lasciato una recensione su 24/07/2018 · en

This is a great Forex learning resource that is filled with cool elements like short trading school, daily tips and fun graphics and illustrations. I like that you can trade Forex, Stocks and cryptocurrencies in real time, because it makes you feel like a real professional trader. The most coolest feature for the app is trader's battle. Really wakes up a competition spirit in me. Totally recommend! The only negative thing that I can mention is that it is really addictive.

354 visualizzazioni
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