Bhai Manvir Singh Khalsa

Spiritual Gurbani Artist

Attivo dal: Thu, 14 Jan 2021
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Bhai Manvir Singh Khalsa ha aggiunto 2 nuovi link sul suo board 16/03/2022 · en
281 visualizzazioni
Bhai Manvir Singh Khalsa 16/03/2022 · en

Manvir Singh UK said that another world is different from this machine world, and that is the spiritual world. He instructed you to do meditation, attentive breathing, being with nature to allow the spirituality inside your life. It will change your life differently, which is good for many people.

281 visualizzazioni
Bhai Manvir Singh Khalsa 03/03/2022 · en

Being a successful individual is not a simple thing, and you really want to face and overcome all your difficulties to become a successful man. Manvir Singh Khalsa is a well-known and good personality, and he is a good example for the future generation. He has a strong spiritual believer, and his total change will also impact others to follow his conviction.

281 visualizzazioni
Bhai Manvir Singh Khalsa 01/02/2022 · en

Bhai Manvir Singh Khalsa, a specialist, doesn't affect others and casually connects with them. You should not show your feelings openly, but you should show your ability. When you put in more effort and hard work, nothing is impossible. It might be ideal if you did a few mental activities. It will help you in arriving at your goals.

281 visualizzazioni
Bhai Manvir Singh Khalsa 11/01/2022 · en

Follow and believe about Manvir Singh UK workshop and his stunning speech, which might inspire you to bring about more. You would be able to view things clearly after attending Manvir Singh's workshop since he delivered a great message to the people.

281 visualizzazioni
Bhai Manvir Singh Khalsa 17/12/2021 · en

Bhai Manvir Singh's speech teaches you to be familiar with your strengths and compete with others. He teaches others about the worth of life and their own value. He is a fantastic educator and assists to grow your self-confidence.

281 visualizzazioni
Bhai Manvir Singh Khalsa ha scritto a Franco Sicuro 17/12/2021 · en

Bhai Manvir Singh's speech teaches you to be familiar with your strengths and compete with others. He teaches others about the worth of life and their own value. He is a fantastic educator and assists to grow your self-confidence.

281 visualizzazioni
Bhai Manvir Singh Khalsa ha aggiunto 2 nuovi link sul suo board 02/11/2021 · en
281 visualizzazioni
Bhai Manvir Singh Khalsa 02/11/2021 · en

Bhai Manvir Singh's life story is fascinating, and he is a great inspiration to others. He was a typical active child, but he did not have a strong spiritual belief. He was a brilliant student in school, and he is very bold and confident in expressing his thoughts. Bhai Manvir Singh Khalsa will not find it difficult to express his thoughts to others, and he is confident that he will never make the wrong decision.

281 visualizzazioni
Bhai Manvir Singh Khalsa 11/10/2021 · en

Manvir Singh Leamington has no fears sharing his thoughts with people, and he is confident that he will never make a mistake. He was a typical energetic child during his youth, yet he lacked a strong spiritual belief.

281 visualizzazioni
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